Our Spirit
All students attending Trinity belong to a College House, which fosters camaraderie across the Year levels and a genuine sense of belonging.
House activities promote teamwork and provide opportunities for everyone to earn points towards the coveted annual Spirit Cup in their own chosen field of endeavour.
Students can earn Spirit points by participating in academic competitions and sporting events across a wide range of subjects and areas of interest, and displays of character, knowledge and skills can earn commendations that generate those valuable points that all contribute to the final end-of-year tally.
Our Houses

Glowrey House
Mary Glowrey was born in Birregurra in 1887 and graduated from medical school in 1910. In 1920, Mary travelled to India where she cared for the poorest women and children. She became a religious Sister with the Society of Jesus Mary Joseph in Guntur and for many years ministered to thousands of patients who would not have received care otherwise. Mary founded the Catholic Health Association of India, whose members today care for over 21 million people a year.

MacKillop House
Mary MacKillop founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart in 1866 in South Australia and pioneered education for poor children who lived in rural communities. Today, there are over 600 Josephite sisters ministering in countries throughout Australasia, South America and Europe. Mary’s story is one of virtue, determination, and an extraordinary willingness to use her gifts and talents for the betterment of others.

McAuley House
Catherine McAuley was a brave and determined Irish woman who faced opposition, sadness, loneliness and harsh conditions to serve the poor and marginalised. Catherine McAuley took great risks to provide for others. As the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, Catherine is recognised for the danger she faced as a woman trying to bring about change and for bringing sweetness and blessings to the lives of many.

Rice House
Edmund Rice was a man of great faith who faced many difficulties and set-backs in striving to provide education for boys in Ireland. Overcoming his fears through faith, strength and courage, Edmund Rice founded the Christian Brothers, who provide educational opportunities and other acts of service around the world. Rice is also recognised as one of our founders and reminds us that through faith we shouldn't be afraid, because God is with us.