Our Uniform shows our belonging and loyalty
The uniform is to worn between home and school, in class and on other occasions as required. When wearing the College uniform, students must ensure their uniform is neat and correct, whether on or off campus.
Students are not permitted to attend class unless in full and correct school uniform.
Uniform Shop
Uniform items can be purchased from local store:
Borne Apparel
216 Murray Street, Colac
03 5232 2689
Open Monday to Friday:
9.00am to 5.00pm and Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm.
Uniforms can also be purchased online from Borne Apparel.
Secondhand Uniform: We no longer have second-hand uniform items for sale in our uniform shop. Parents are encouraged to make private arrangements with friends or neighbours or check Facebook Marketplace for any uniform listings.
As part of the uniform requirements, a Trinity College backpack is to be purchased from our uniform supplier. It is recommended that student backpacks do not weigh in excess of 10% of their body weight.